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Delia was among the first music video directors to succeed as an episodic television director. He delivered multiple one-camera, one-hour episodes for Paramount including Friday the 13th The Series and War of The Worlds. Delia also directed major network dramatic hours for ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX including groundbreaking series Crime Story produced by Michael Mann and the first American episode of Max Headroom. 


Delia's experience and visual imagination have flourished in high pressure situations where staying on schedule and budget are a priority. Active at the keypad and behind the eyepiece, Delia continues to write and direct quality television and feature film.

Friday The 13th: Symphony In B#

Micki and Ryan investigate a series of murders at a concert hall, only to discover that a violinist who was presumed dead may, in fact, be alive. 

Directed by Francis Delia (Uncredited Re-Write)

Friday The 13th: The Butcher

A disturbed German scientist uses a silver amulet to bring a Nazi colonel back to life in a bid to rebuild the Third Reich and take over the world.


Co-Written and Directed by Francis Delia

Friday the 13th: Femme Fatale

An aging director lures women into his home where they become unwilling performers in a movie he directed, thanks to a cursed film reel. 


Directed by Francis Delia (Uncredited Re-Write)

Crime Story: Hide and Go Thief

Joey (Billy Campbell) blames himself when a well-armed and suicidal criminal (Paul Guilfoyle), takes a woman hostage off the street.

Directed by Francis Delia 

Max Headroom: Body Banks

A pair of violent sociopaths kidnap a girl with the intention of selling her body parts on the black market. 


Directed by Francis Delia

War Of The Worlds: Synthetic

The chief alien colludes with a ruthless corporate executive in a lethal scheme to cleanse the city of homeless people. 

Directed by Francis Delia (Uncredited Re-Write)

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